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Soft Name |
silk-1.1.0.tar.gz |
SiLK (System for Internet-Level Knowledge) consists of two sets of tools: a packing system and an... Soft Directory:Unix |
dnmalloc-1.0.tar.gz |
Dnmalloc is an allocator that keeps heap management data separate from the heap itself. As a resu... Soft Directory:Unix |
rfdump-1.6.tar.gz |
RFDump is a tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information: Tag ID, Tag Type, manufactu... Soft Directory:Unix |
0x4553-Intercepter.v072.zip |
0x4553-Intercepter is a WinPcap-based sniffer that offers various capabilities including sniffing... Soft Directory:Packet Sniffers |
PHPbackdoor V0.0.1 |
php-backdoor all-in-one administration tool designed as a single phpscript for linux and windows ... Soft Directory:Windows |
DenyHosts V2.5 |
DenyHosts is a python program that automatically blocks ssh attacks by adding entries to /etc/hos... Soft Directory:Unix |
Files Cipher 2 |
Get a cryptographic application. Soft Directory:Cryptography |
alph-0.24.tar.gz |
alph implements and analyzes historical and traditional ciphers and codes, such as polyalphabetic... Soft Directory:Cryptography |
mp3stegz |
mp3stegz is an application that apply steganographic (steganography) algorithm in mp3 files. mp3s... Soft Directory:Cryptography |
Fsum frontend 1.5.4 |
Fsum Frontend is a files integrity checker. It can calculate 96 hash and checksum algorithms(CRC3... Soft Directory:Cryptography |